心动修复 第66节
姜念在听到傅沉声音的那一刻,就僵住了。 她抬眼,看到傅沉一身西装领带,站在车旁,一双眼直直看着她。 她下意识后退一步,却知道躲得了一时躲不了一世。有些问题,在她和林清许说苏意的事情时,就注定了自己的结局。 “好啊,那就让傅沉送我回去吧。”姜念明艳的发丝飘扬,之后的话还没说,她便已经红了眼眶。 外面的风实在是有些冷了。白天秋老虎还回来了一下,现在的温度却在风中直降。 林清许怕苏意着凉感冒,也知道傅沉和姜念的关系,点点头,将车钥匙递给姜念,便抱着苏意回小区上楼了。 夜晚的风真的是又大又凉,将姜念的长发吹得凌乱,紧身的长裙也不保暖,白皙的手背血管已经变成淡紫色。 “去我车上吧,别冻着了。”傅沉走进,将身上的西装外套披到姜念的身上,语气却是温柔,仿佛两人之间那些事像是从没发生过,还是当初甜蜜的样子。 “好。”姜念勾唇莞尔,哪怕在这种狼狈的情况下,她也还是骄傲的天鹅。 两人走到傅沉车旁,姜念敲了敲驾驶座的车窗,让司机先将她的车开回去。 姜念和傅沉坐到车里,姜念皱着眉,想把话说清楚。 “我们就这样吧,我被晋江审核锁得累死了。” “我为你读一段英语,然后你再去看评论区,跟着评论区走,别不要我,好吗,念念。”傅沉的声音低沉如玉,却带着深深的挽留。 opening the door, jiang nian just got into the co-pilot, fu sat in, and as soon as he sat in, he hugged jiang nian's waist. because of the gap in strength between men and women, jiang nian did not break free, and was even hugged by fu and sat on his lap. let go. jiang nian frowned, his voice was cold, and he wao get off fu . don't let go. fu hugged jiang nian's waist, buried his head in jiang nian's collarbone, and his deep and cold voice seemed a little muffled, nian nian, even if you just use me as a substitute, it's okay to be angry with his tools, don't leave me again, okay? ” let's break it off, it was my fault that i used you to anger fu siyi before, let's let each o, and we shouldn't know each other when we meet iure. jiang nian even whispered a little when he heard fu 's voice, and his heart was sour. she turned her head to look at the bush outside the car window, suppressed sadness, and her voice was cold and cold. then what do you treat me for? when fu heard jiang nian's words, the hand holding jiang nian's waist was a little harder, and the bodies of the two were close together. the eyes he looked at jiang nian were all red. jiang niahat fu was angry, after all, the president of the fu group whispered down to be her spare tire and substitute, and as a tool for her to be angry, but she didn't want it, and even wao break it . jiang niahat she really provoked fu 's bottom line. we are like this... hmm... before jiang nian could finish speaking, he was gagged by fu . the person who has always been ascetid calm was red at this time, prying open her lips ah, attag the city, with the same ruthlessness of venting, and with a stroermination to keep her. the two kissed deeper and deeper, jiang nian also fell under fu 's offehe inal resistance had long bee weak, and the hand that wao push fu away also became on fu 's shoulder. the two have kissed tless times, and there have been many bed joys, but this time it is the most difficult to suppress. fu walked downstream with one hand, ahe back of jiang nian's head with the other, after feeling that jiang nian was about to lose his breath, he let go of her slightly, his foreheads met, his scarlet eyebrows looked at jiang nian, and his voice carried a deep desire, i don't agree. ” i be a tool, i be a substitute, why do i have to go? when fu said this, he was almost angry. he looked at jiang nian, and his voice could be said to be humble to the ground. what kind of stand-in do you put the president away? between gasps, jiang nian said unsteadily, it's really crazy. ” don't you want to see me crazy for you? as you wish. fu hugged jiang nian's waist again, laughed a few times, and kissed him again. the fiery hand rubbed on jiang nian's red dress, burning jiang nian's skin through the fabric. the sound of saliva enta did not stop in the car, and the temperature in the rose sharply, the breath exhaled was hot and hot, and the anti-privacy windows were full of heat. fu 's hand rubbed around, swirled on the zipper on jiang nian's waist, and pulled down when jiang nian was fused by the kiss. fu , this is in the car! jiang nian grabbed fu 's evil hand, looked at the man in front of him, where was the calm and absti in the past, on the trary, there was scarlet under his eyes, stained with crazy love. he leaned down with the hand that had been placed behind him, and jiang nian snorted with coquettishness. fu took his finger up, and his fiips were wet. he swayed in front of jiang nian's eyes, and his voice was loleasant, like a solo cello at night. he leaned into jiang nian's ear and chuckled, i'm responding to you, baby. ” after speaking, fu shen pecked and kissed jiang nian's earlobe, with teasing and lust. the evil hand reached through the zipper, wreaked evil on the white rice paper, drew the mountains, drew the red plums on the peaks, and drew the grass and streams down. it was a little unfortable to draw down, fu pushed the skirt and decided to paint from the bottom up. jiang nia fu 's painting skills, with red flattery at the end of his eyes, and his voice was only a small gasp and a sigh. the car was inally turned on, but the heat was even worse at this time, baking jiang nian's whole person with a layer of light powder. i'm pleasing you, niannian. after fu said these words, jiang nian truly felt the ess of the white jade bead on fu 's wrist, as well as the feeling of gestiht by the jade buddha and fu 's fingers in the middle of the white jade bead. i love you, never, more than life. when fu finally ehe valley, he pressed against jiang nian's ear and said in a low voice. however, jiang nian had long been dragged into the choppy sea, and he didn't know what it was to be sober. at this moment, s□□ wants to mih her beloved. ...... 林清许抱着苏意上去后,却在苏意的门前犯了难。这种时候,如果带回自己家,第二天苏意醒来之后肯定又会离他远远的,于是他只好将苏意放下来,让苏意靠在他身上。 “意意,门的密码是什么?”林清许戳了戳苏意白嫩的脸,声音带着温和,眼神痴缠,像是怎么看都看不够。 可苏意没有理他,有些迷糊,因为感受到没有被包,甚至开始哼哼。 “乖,密码是多少?”林清许像哄着孩子一样哄着苏意,“早点进去,才能早点休息。” 如果木梓在这儿,肯定要震惊死了,林清许什么时候有过这么温柔哄人的时候。 苏意感觉到自己的脸被戳,眉头皱起,樱唇微嘟,搂住林清许,头埋在林清许的肩上,声音糯叽叽得,软的像是两人还在恋爱时。 “纪念日。” 细小的声音还是被林清许听到了。 他像是忽然想到了什么,在密码上点了几个数字。 滴—— 门开了。 林清许的手有些轻微的颤抖,心湖像是被投了一颗有一颗小石子,泛起圈圈的涟漪,久久难以平静。 1012。 这是他们在一起的日子。 作者有话说: 来啦!二更合一哦~~被suo一天一夜了orz,天冷了,用你们的围脖去温暖温暖我,懂得都懂。 对啦,酒吧的事情,小酒要给大家提个醒。咋说呢,女孩子想去酒吧没有问题,因为不同地方你可以感受不同的环境。但是,(敲黑板),社会大环境是那样,总是会有不怀好意的人,在不能保证绝对安全的情况下,我们只能尽力保护好自己,所以像今天意意喝醉酒的行为,是不可取的,意意是因为有清许和念念。同时,也不要轻易和坏人前任等走哦,除非你们真的对那个人知根知底,不然不能随意跟人走哦(毕竟小说和现实不一样哦,要保护好自己哦) 麻烦小酒的宝贝们保护好小酒的宝贝(比心心) 第67章 追妻日常 ◎那是他的十九年。◎ 林清许将苏意抱了进去, 先放到了沙发上,拿过毯子将苏意盖好,又去厨房烧水给她泡蜂蜜水。 他拿着杯子回到沙发时, 苏意靠在靠枕上,小脸红红的, 粉唇微嘟, 皱着眉,发丝有些凌乱地贴在脸上。像是想到了什么,苏意的眉毛皱得更深, 唇瓣微动, 轻声嘟囔着什么。 林清许靠下去凑近了听,只含糊听到几个词。 “讨厌你。” “林清许。” 她说。 林清许抬眸,看着睡着的苏意, 眼里带着温柔,声音清润,带着水露深重的凉, 又有几分蜂蜜的润:“讨厌我吧, 多讨厌都没关系。” “换我来义无反顾地爱你。” 闭着眼睛的苏意没有回应,林清许凑近,呼吸都放轻不少。 头顶的灯光明亮,照亮着整个客厅, 温馨亮堂。茶几上放着蜂蜜水, 还冒着热气, 杯壁凝上很细密的雾气,阳台的窗帘在微风的吹拂下飘动, 沙发上的靠枕微斜, 苏意醉颜恬淡, 穿着黑色t恤的林清许渐渐俯身,凑近,五官线条在灯光下泛着浅浅莹白的光,他闭上眼,睫毛浓密卷翘,温柔又克制地吻上了苏意的额头,只是浅浅一下,浅尝辄止便退开了。 这是属于宁静平常夜晚的秘密,微风知道,灯光知道,茶几上冒着热气的蜂蜜水知道,靠枕知道,林清许知道。 苏意不知道。 林清许喂着苏意喝了蜂蜜水,便将她抱进房间,用热水帮她洗了个脸,随后给苏意带上被子,在床边放了一杯水,便离开了。 第二天一早。 阳光透过窗帘没有完全拉拢的那一条缝里漏了进来,白亮地破开屋子里的黑暗,空中浮沉可见。 苏意在这一缕光里醒来。因为喝了太多酒,她的头疼得快要炸开。 她躺在床上,睁开眼看到天花板上熟悉的台灯,周遭的环境都很熟悉,是她的房间。可苏意眨了眨眼,却想不起来自己是什么时候回来了的。 她起身,看到桌上放了一杯水,拿过喝了一口,喉咙见的火辣干涩终于缓解。 找到手机,一看已经时间了,她又给姜念打了个电话。 嘟、嘟—— “喂。”电话那头的姜念,声音带着慵懒困倦,还有一丝哑。 “昨晚你送我回来之后又回去了?怎么不直接住我家,那么晚回去,多不安全啊。” “唔。”姜念闷哼一声,像是很难耐。 “怎么了?”苏意听到姜念声音有些不对劲。 “没,没事。”姜念沉默一会儿,喘了口气,“我就是刚刚不小心撞倒了。” “后面傅沉来接我了,我就和他一起回去了,放心,安全着呢。” 姜念安抚了苏意,说自己想再睡个回笼觉,就挂了电话。 苏意只当姜念太累了,便也没有再聊。起床想去洗漱,却发现自己肚子里空空的,有些饿了。苏意收拾一下,到客厅点了个外卖,就靠在沙发上想林清许的事情。 阳台养着的绿植因为几天没浇水,叶子已经有些泛黄。苏意此时却不想动,抱着靠枕,呆滞地看着窗外愣神。 听到林清许说的话,她其实很惊讶,也很心疼。 但她还是没有勇气迈出那一步,她不想两人之后的结局又是破碎的下场,她赌不起。 因为喜欢林清许这件事,以前她想要的是林清许转身回头,可真当林清许转身回头了,她又贪心了,她想两人岁岁年年人长久,想两人一直都不分开。 可这件事含有太多太多变数了,谁也说不准以后会怎样,是柴米油盐酱醋茶,小桥流水良人家,还是吵吵闹闹消磨尽,阳光独木是路人,这些都说不准的。 嗡嗡,桌山的手机振动。